Monday, September 30, 2013

Episode 12 - The NDP Under Mulcair - A Panel Discussion by Nora Loreto, Katie Arnup and Ritch Whyman

LISTEN: 55:14

For this week’s show we will be listening to a Panel Discussion from the Marxism 2013 Conference to Change the World which was held at Ryerson University from May 31 to June 2, 2013.  The conference was organised by the International Socialists, an organization of activists committed to helping in the construction of such a party through ongoing activity in the mass organizations of the working class and in the daily struggles of workers and the oppressed. Jim recorded the panel discussion titled, “From Orange Wave to Third Way? – The NDP Under Mulcair.”  

Song List:
Phil Ochs: Love Me I'm a Liberal
The Dead Kennedys: The Stars and Stripes of Corruption
The Nightwatchmen: Union Town

Guest Links:
on twitter 
on facebook
Marxism2013 Conference
Nora Loreto's Blog